For more than five years it was a very lonely journey, fighting to start a family. It was a rollercoaster journey during which, most of the time, I was in the bottom of the ride and couldn’t see the top...
For more than five years it was a very lonely journey, fighting to start a family. It was a rollercoaster journey during which, most of the time, I was in the bottom of the ride and couldn’t see the top. At this time I had no knowledge of the medical side of things.
My journey was more of anger since most of the time I felt betrayed by my husband and persons that I trusted. I don’t think my husband knew how to support me, and besides, he was so angry at the doctors that he would have been incapable of offering support. This led to comfort eating, which, although now I am aware of it I still do it because I can’t help it.
My first attitude was that if I help others and make them feel happy because of my help God for sure will grant me my wish and give me a baby. Not even my husband ever sat down next to me and cared about my feelings, but on the contrary because he was always angry because I am making the doctors rich with my obsession to have a child.
But when nothing happened, and I didn’t get pregnant, I convinced myself that I am not a good person and God does not trust me to have children. This broad with it a lot of anger because I felt this was not fair for me as I am a person that loves to see others happy.
After four years in this situation I got pregnant and although we were always afraid that something could happen to the baby we were very happy. But my biggest fear came true on my thirty fourth week of pregnancy when I was rushed to hospital for a caesarean and our baby was born. My placenta had died and the baby had no oxygen. It was a battle of life and death; she lost the battle after six weeks. My husband did everything to move on and as always I did as I was told to do because I think he is much stronger than me.
But after two other attempts of IVF that failed I started to lose all my energy. From a workaholic, like my husband, I became the most disorganized and lethargic person. My energy was dried out and all I did was sleep and eat. At the time I did not understand what was happening to me and I felt confused.
With the help of an infertility counsellor I started to feel better because everything made sense then. However I also got to know my condition that it is called Polycystic Ovary System and if I was treated for it may be our daughter wouldn’t have died.
I also understood that being infertile has nothing to do with being a good person or not. I also became aware that because I was on infertility medication for a long time it was their side-affect that they made me feel very upset and why sometimes I felt confused with a lot of different emotions is like you have another person living inside you. However I also understood that it is quite common as couple we experience infertility and the loss of our child differently.