Donia Scicluna B Sc. (Psych)
Dip. Gestalt Therapy (GPTIM)
Member of BICA
I am Donia Scicluna, I have a diploma in Gestalt Therapy and I have also read for a B Sc. (Psycho) degree at Canyon College USA.
I started an infertility support group ‘Wanting and Waiting Infertility Support Group’ within the Cana movement back in 2001 and I have been working with couples in this field since. My own personal experience of infertility and after the loss of my only child encouraged me to start up this group.
During these twelve years, I decided to further my studies in the field when I realised how much professional help was needed in Malta. Apart from the above mentioned qualifications, I got training from the British Infertility Counselling Association (BICA) UK which involves virtual individual supervision twice a month with one of their credited counsellors.